5 Ted Talks for Business Leaders

Global accounting giant PwC recently conducted a survey of 2000 workers across the UK and found that nearly 1 in 5 of respondents are “very or extremely likely” to change jobs in the next year.

Reasons for leaving a job are varied there’s an old adage that ‘people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers’ and a survey by Investors in People found that 42% of workers stated that having a bad boss was their primary reason for leaving their job.

We’ve watched dozens of Ted Talks and have listed our top 5 for business leaders. The ted.com website is a great resource with more than 3500 of their famous Ted Talks available to watch. They cover dozens of topics from Addiction to Weather and Astronomy to Veganism. Such luminaries as Al Gore, Elon Musk, Bill Clinton and Bono have presented their own Ted Talks over the years. There’s also an entire section on Leadership.

How Great Leaders Innovate – Responsiblywith Ken Chenault (Investor)


  • The importance of core values in your business
  • Leaders need to serve first
  • Show vulnerability

“The role of a leader is to define reality and give hope”

Why Play is Essential For Business with Martin Reeves (Strategy Expert)


  • Maverick companies in your industry thinking outside the box might be onto something
  • How to reimagine your business
  • Discover weak spots in your business before they finish you.

“In order to stay on top, you need to constantly reimagine your business.”

The Power Of Purpose In Business with Ashley M. Grice (Purpose Expert)


  • How to embed purpose into your cultural norms
  • Be authentic
  • The difference between purpose, mission and vision.

“When purpose is executed from the top floor to the shop floor, those on the shop floor know that their work matters.”

3 Tips For Leaders To Get The Future Of Work Right with Debbie Lovich (MD at Boston Consulting)


  • How work practices changed during Covid
  • Trust your people
  • Be data driven

“Imagine if one of our competitors is more flexible than us. How many people are we going to lose?”  Why some leaders can inspire but some can’t.

How Great Leaders Inspire Action with Simon Sinek (Leadership Expert)


  • Why some leaders can inspire but some can’t.
  • What you do. How you do it. Why you do it. But what is the most important of the three?
  • Why do we follow leaders?

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

We hope you enjoy these Ted Talks.

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