It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year….to Job Hunt!

What a year, eh?

In fact, what a couple of years!

Work has been crazy busy, and your boss has still to appreciate the meaning of Work Life Balance.

But it’s almost time to put your Out of Office on, turn the work mobile off and relax for a week or two over the holidays. A few mince pies, maybe a turkey sandwich or two, and a wee Baileys. Absolutely no thoughts about work though. A total switch off, right?

Well, the festive period is a great time to begin (or continue) your job hunt.

Get in before your competition

Firstly, loads of people don’t. They do totally switch off and postpone the job hunt until the start of the New Year. But with vacancy numbers still high, there will be less competition for your ideal position if you manage to find it over the holidays.

It might be a quicker process

Often the recruitment process can be a vicious circle for Hiring Managers. They may be short-staffed and are taking on the additional responsibilities of the positions that they are recruiting for. Because of this, they can often take a long time to review applications and arrange interviews. But they may have a bit more time over the holidays and be able to make a quick decision and get you in for an interview in the week between Christmas and New Year – while everyone else is still working their way through their Selection Boxes.

Prep your social media

It can also be a good time to update and refresh your Linked In profile and start connecting with more people within your industry. It might be that one of those connections could introduce you to a new opportunity.

In summary, if a new job is on your Santa List, don’t wait until the New Year to get started.