3 Things to Look Out for in 2022

It’s the last day of 2021, and hopefully we can all look forward to a more settled time in 2022.

Lets take a look at what we might see next year as the world of work continues to evolve.

The Great Resignation Continues

This has been the year of the resignation. April to December has seen an increase in voluntary departures compared to the same period in pre-Covid 2019 according to a poll of 1226 managers by the Chartered Management Institute for Bloomberg.

And a further survey by CV Library found that more than 75% of UK employees plan on searching for a new job in 2022!

Reasons given for moving on included burnout, wanting a career change and looking for more flexible working.

Professional Nomads

With the increase in remote work comes the rise of the digital nomad. If you can allow your staff to ‘work from home’, what difference does it make if they are based in Livingston or Lisbon, Kirkcaldy or Krakow, Bathgate or Benidorm? Many countries, especially those who have been affected by a Covid-hit tourist industry have offered incentives to attract remote workers. So, facing the prospect of a bleak winter in the UK, wouldn’t it be great to spend a few months working remotely on a sun-soaked terrace somewhere exotic?

The 4 Day Week

Although some companies were experimenting with a 4-day week well before any of us had heard of Covid 19, the work from home culture that has evolved may have accelerated the opportunities of a shortened work week.

Like anything, it’s not a solution to every problem. However, in a more output over activity culture, if someone can do their work in a 30-hour week rather than 38, then why can’t they?

It doesn’t take long to find stories of companies that have trialled a 4-day week and then implemented in permanently after an increase in productivity and employee well-being. Atom Bank is one such company and Lloyds Bank are being encouraged to do so also.

Without the aid of a crystal ball, these are mere possibilities. But in the ever changing world we live in at the moment, who knows what 2022 will bring?

Happy New Year and best wishes for 2022.